M1 Mobile VetBringing Petcare to your doorstep

M1 Mobile VetBringing Petcare to your doorstep


About US

Mobile Vet Clinic: Home visit 

Dog and cat general consultation

Dog and cat general consultation

M1 mobile vet help the pets by providing them a stress-free home visit for the people of Newcastle, Maitland and Central coast till Gosford.

Working hours from Mon to Fri 9 am to 6 pm 

After Hours for Not an emergency Cases:

  Mon to Fri 6 pm to 10 pm

Saturday 9 am to 4 pm   

Our focus is to help our customers to keep their beloved furry creatures up to date with vaccination, check-up and preventive care via a stress-free home visit, without worrying about traffic, transportation, stress related to travel etc